Being a Maths Evangelist

What better way to start the day? The first step to popularising maths is to defeat the fear that was instilled in you since early school days by parents, teachers, and friends. Given how my class with a mix of Life Science, Computer Science, and Arts majors students who used to tremble at the beginning,…

A Very Curious Love story

What if we indulged in re-discovering mathematics in classroom, to kindle the process of mathematical thinking in the students’ minds?

Article: The World Turned Upside Down

Note: This article was published in LinkedIn. If you would like to publish it or need articles of this sort, please get in touch with me. Another free hour in 1st BSc Mathematics – junior to the bunch I introduced in How to Blabber Mathematics, my last article posted here. Prologue If math is such…

Article: How to Blabber Mathematics

Note: This article was published in MCC College Magazine 2018 and in LinkedIn. If you would like to publish it or need articles of this sort, please get in touch with me. This is a portion of my lecture in 1BSc Mathematics classroom – where I randomly walked in as a substitute for staff on…